10 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Life

1. You dread going to work more days than you don’t. So much of our day and week is spent at work, that feeling dread when you wake up or as the weekend nears its end is a sure sign that something is not right. Take some time to figure out what it is about your day at work that you are dreading and devise a plan for changing it. 2. You are living in the past or dreaming about the future. Staying focused on better times, whether it’s the past or the future, might be a sign of trying…read more >

4 Reasons You Should Hire People With Disabilities

A Lot of employers think they are doing a disabled person a favour when they give them a job. What they don't realises is that employing a disabled person brings a lot of benefits for them as well. Having lived the whole of my life with a disability and having walked out of a job because my Manager could not accommodate me and going into a job were the Manager was very understanding, I realised hiring disabled employees can benefit the organisation. I however think they are four main reasons why every organisation should hire people with disabilities Here are four main reasons…read more >

10 Simple tips to help you achieve your goals

1. Make a Commitment Goals require commitment and dedication. There’s no other way around it. If you are struggling with committing to a specific goal, go back and start the process over. You may not have identified the goal just right, or you may be lacking the necessary motivation to see it though. 2. Keep Track of Your Progress Just as it’s important to put all of your goals down on paper, it’s equally important to track your progress. You can do this with a goal tracking worksheet, a goal management tool or a method of your own. The key…read more >

Time cannot be recycled

It was the 14th May 2015 and I was working as a Receptionist in the Haematology Outpatients Department and one of the patients who I was really fond off was told to come in that day and see her consultant as a matter of urgency. When a Consultant says she has to see that patient when she has no appointment booked you knew it was not for a cup of coffee. We always booked a taxi for her when she was coming in so I did the usual. After she saw her consultant I went back to give her taxi…read more >

6 ways to be yourself regardless of external influences

1. Internal alignment. The absence of internal conflict is the only way to be at peace with our true self.  Any misalignment between our life and our core standards will prevent us from being totally honest with ourselves.  Self honesty is a prerequisite to internal harmony. To be yourself means that you need to identify your core standards and align with them. 2. Know your personal values. We all have a built in set of personal values. If we lose touch with those values we lose touch with our true self. When we violate those values we violate our relationship…read more >

Go out there and fail!

I think one of the things that stops people from doing what they want to do is the fear of failure. No one wants to fail at anything and having failed my high school exams I know just too well how much failing can hurt. I think a lot of people are scared of doing things that they want to do in life because they are afraid of failing. When you tell people who do not believe in you that you have a dream, they will just laugh at you and every moment you are working on your dreams you feel…read more >

Listen to understand

This morning whilst traveling to work on the bus I was sat at the back seat of the bus with two other people. From what they were talking about I assumed they work together. A few minutes into the conversation I realised that neither of them knew what the other person was talking about, why? It is because they were not listening to understand they were listening to respond. When the other person was talking the other person was thinking about what they were going to say next. It made me think about my job, I work with a lot of people…read more >

SIX Things parents should never do when bringing up children

A lot of things that we do today come from all the things that we have learnt from other people and the majority of the time the family. if we come from very supportive home the majority of the time we will succeed. However I believe there are six cardinal parental sins that a lot of parents have been committing for years and they can have a really profound impact on their children. Do Not Compare your children to other children We have all heard at some point in our lives from our parents or from other people's parents "…read more >

Why Male Voice choirs Should Never Die

I had been thinking of Joining Risca Male Choir for quite some time but I did not have the courage to go through with it. I never felt welcome in most places I had been in and I hated that feeling. I had spent just over two Years with Risca RFC and I never really felt like I was part of the gang. I really love singing and the sound the choir produced was glorious. I went to a lot of concerts the choir had and I would just marvel at the sound and just wish I could part of…read more >

Bread and Butter or your Destiney?

Every morning I get up and I leave my dreams at home. I go to a job for the sake of bread and better when I could be doing so much more. I get back home look at what I really what to do but I am too tired to do anything about, that’s another day of life gone. The pattern continues, I feel I am not good enough; I look at what successful people who do what I want to do. People look down on me all the time but  I do the job everyday because I need bread…read more >